
Water Fasting Protocol

Water Fasting Protocol

Water Fasting Protocol for Health and Healing   Water fasting is a practice that involves abstaining from all food and drink except water for a specified period. It has been practiced for centuries for its potential health benefits, including detoxification, weight loss, and metabolic health improvements. Before embarking on a water fast, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any underlying health conditions. Any form of electrolytes or broth will take your body out of autophagy. Water only.   Health Benefits of Water Fasting:   Detoxification: Water fasting allows the body to focus its energy...

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All you need to know about Post-Workout Nutrition.

All you need to know about Post-Workout Nutrition.

For muscle to grow, it must be stimulated. Have you been hitting the gym religiously but still find you can't put on any muscle?     Weight training is said to be the best way to stimulate your muscles for growth. After your muscles have been stimulated, they need nutrients, mainly aminos which are the building blocks of muscle. .   As you have probably read in other articles, insulin is said to play an important part in building muscle. Insulin transports nutrients to the organs in the body. This includes muscle cells, liver, and fat cells. (You’ve all heard...

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A special Transformation Tuesday for this lady!

A special Transformation Tuesday for this lady!

My story is different to most.  I have always been slender and active however after moving countries about 12 years ago, I started putting on weight.  No matter what I did, I just could not shift the kilos.   My background is that I am vegetarian and I have almost always eaten organic or biodynamic food.  I didn't eat junk - no chips, crisps, fast-food, icecream.  My occasional treat was a piece or two of organic chocolate.  I worked out religiously - and I mean rigorous workouts.  Heavy weight training alternating with high-intensity cardio and power yoga, one and a...

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Top 10 Fitness Tips For Busy Moms

Top 10 Fitness Tips For Busy Moms

Life is busy, and even more so once you become a mom. On top of trying to make time for your relationship, friendships, career and home, you now have little people depending on you for every step of their growth and development. You can see why taking time for you, and hitting the gym can take a back seat! I'm Harj, a mom of my 5-year-old boy who needs me for everything and a very independent (and growing up way too fast!) 8-year-old daughter. We are very busy with after school soccer, piano, art, hockey and tutoring. As an entrepreneur,...

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Work out the Right Way!!

Work out the Right Way!!

My top 5 tips for today. 1. Less focus on the weight and stop using momentum. You are trying to grow your muscle, not move weight from A-B. Make the muscle work instead of making the exercise easier because you're focused on the weight. 2. Concentrate on the negatives in a rep as much as the pull or the positive. Mind muscle connection peeps....engage your mind and focus on the muscle with control both ways. 3. Posture in check. Not just to prevent injuries but to make sure you are fully hitting the muscle you are intending to train. Your...

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Knock out your post holiday blues. My top ten tips on surviving Thanksgiving dinner.

Knock out your post holiday blues. My top ten tips on surviving Thanksgiving dinner.

We all have a love / hate relationship with the holiday season. It's great to have the time to see friends and family that we may only see on special occasions. To finally find time to relax and unwind. We're all very busy. But the mind-set of family gatherings surrounding the great food and the right to somehow indulge and reward ourselves is absurd. It starts a snowball effect into the crucial 10 weeks to follow taking us right into the end of New Years celebrations and what I like to call, the sabotaged end to a years worth of...

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Mind-Muscle Connection

Mind-Muscle Connection

INSTINCTUAL TRAINING One of the best things about fitness is that it builds on you. Over time you will develop a mind muscle connection which will play a big role on how you perform your workouts. Now I see many people follow their workout programs to the exact detail. Most people have a set up of routines that consist of sets and reps for various body parts. Now is this routine absolute? Well here's a little secret I will fill you guys in on. In fitness, there's nothing absolute and everything is instinctual and relative to you. You need to...

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Top 10 Snacks to help fight cravings.

Top 10 Snacks to help fight cravings.

1. Nut butter. Any type of nut butter; almond butter or peanut butter for example. These are available now in little packets that you can keep in your desk or car. Just eat one if the cravings are coming on really bad. The healthy fats I find are great at curbing your appetite plus will help to keep you feeling full. You can always add the nut butter to some slices of apple, banana or whole grain rice cakes for a great balanced snack. 2. Nuts. Almonds would be the best in my opinion for helping curb your appetite. But...

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Weight Lifting Vs Cardio

Weight Lifting Vs Cardio

Muscle building burns more fat than your cardio routine. When people come up to me and say "I just want to burn fat, and that's why I do cardio" or " I don't want to get bulky and that's why I don't want to build muscle", I get very frustrated. It seems like the vast majority of individuals are following a principle that is far from the truth. Building muscle should be the ONLY goal when it comes to fat loss. Muscle increases your metabolic rate and thus burns more fat then cardio alone. Muscular individuals are constantly on a...

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5 Sources of Plant Protein

5 Sources of Plant Protein

1. Spirulina & Chlorella Spirulina, Chlorella and the algae family has recently been getting more and more attention as a superfood that delivers a wide variety of nutrients and helps rid our body of heavy metals. What many people don't know is that it is an exceptional source of vegan protein. Chlorella alone is commonly cited as 58 percent protein, with a balance of important amino acids, including all the essential ones the body can't manufacture. When you combine this with an abundance of enzymes, probiotics, and phytonutrients, chlorella becomes a high quality protein source that is easily digestible as...

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Vegeterian Sources of Protein

Vegeterian Sources of Protein

Vegetarian Sources of Protein 1. Whole Grains and Quinoa Whole grains are a great source of protein, but the queen of whole grains when it comes to protein content is quinoa. Just one cup of cooked quinoa contains 18 grams of protein, as well as nine grams of fiber. Other whole grains, including whole grain bread, brown rice, barley are all healthy protein-rich foods for vegetarians and vegans as well.Protein content: One cup of cooked quinoa provides about 18 grams of protein. 2. Bean, Lentils, and Legumes All beans, lentils, and peas are an excellent vegetarian and vegan source of...

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Sprouting Your Way to Fat Loss

Sprouting Your Way to Fat Loss

Why should you sprout? So, my mom has always soaked almonds at night and made my sisters and I eat a handful every morning. I kept the tradition going and do the same for my kids. I remember asking my mom why she soaks them and she would say simply, it's better for you. My explanation is not so simple, but it will be a "light bulb" moment, I guaranty that. Grains,seeds,legumes,and beans contain enzyme inhibitors, which keep them dormant until they are soaked and start to sprout. They also contain phytic acid in the outer layer, and a variety...

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